By entering this establishment, you understand that “adult” content may be encountered that is not suitable for children. You must be at least 18 years of age or have a parent/guardian present while dining here or attending any form of live entertainment. Runway cannot be held responsible for any harm that is experienced, real or perceived, from viewing, listening, following, or contributing to any performance by third party performers.
We are not responsible for the contents of the shows provided by third party performers and/or their subcontractors, and we do not, expressly or otherwise, endorse the views and/or content expressed within those shows. Some of our shows include audience participation. If you do not wish to take part in any show, please see the manager on duty.
RUNWAY is not responsible for replacement or repair of any giveaway prize(s), nor for any misuse by the user. Further, user assumes all risk for any damage or injury caused by the use of any giveaway prize(s) or participation in our week-nitely events.
You are entering a public area where photography, audio and/or video recording may occur. Additionally, the premises are monitored by surveillance cameras. Further, guests and/or RUNWAY may take photos and/or video which may appear on social media and/or other publicly or privately broadcast media.
By entering the premises, you consent to such recording media and its release, publication, exhibition, or reproduction.